Price Guide

Please note the prices here are close estimates and can change with the fluctuations in the exchange rate between the US$ and the Rand. For an accurate indication you can request for a quote here.

  • 400W from R2,900.00
  • 450W Mono  from R3,000.00
  • 460W Canadian from R3,500.00
  • 545W JA from R4,000.00
  • 24v 100AH N Energy
    from R13,000.00
  • 24v 100AH ESENOR from R13,500.00
  • 5kva Growatt inverter
    from R13,500.00
  • 3kva Alphaview inverter
    from R6,000.00
  • 3.5kva Kingstar inverter
    from R6,500.00
  • 2.5 KVA Trolley
    [2x100AH gel batteries]
    from R14,500.00
  • 5KVA Trolley
    [4x 100AH gel batteries]
    from R34,500.00
  • 3KVA Trolley
    [2x 12v 200AH lithuim batteries]
    from R28,600.00
  • 2KVA Trolley
    [1x 12v 200AH lithuim battery]
    from R19,000.00
  • 1.5KVA Trolley
    [1x 12v 200AH lithuim battery]+
    from R18,700.00
  • 3.5 rail R250.00
  • MC4 R34.00
  • Roofhook R120.00R
  • 6mm cable R35.00
  • Lugs R20.00
  • Changeover switch R1,000.00
  • 160A fuse R200.00

How many solar panels are needed?

The average household uses between six and fourteen 455W solar panels and up to around twenty-three panels for bigger homes. But, it depends on the space you have available, your electricity usage and the parameters of your inverter.

How to calculate solar system size?

Find your average monthly usage in kW, divide that by 30 (days in the month) then divide that number by 5.5 (average peak sun hours per day in South Africa). This will give you the size of the array that you’ll need. Then you take your array size and divide that by the watt rating of a panel like a 455W panel to find out how many solar panels you’ll need.


  • 900kWh average monthly usage / 30 days = 30kWh daily usage
  • 30kWh / 5.5 average maximum production hours = 5454.54kWh array size needed
  • 5454.54kWh / 455W solar panel rating = 11.988 solar panels needed so round it up to 12.